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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I've Been Tagged!!

OK, so I have been tagged by a good friend and fellow photographer Bethany of Bella Amandis Photography
Being tagged you are supposed to share 8 things about yourself and tag 8 other blogger friends to do the same thing, so here goes!

1. I am having a love affair with food. Bethany, you and I would get along JUST fine if we ever met in person, especially if there's food involved! I love any kind of food that is good. Doesn't have to just be sweet, it can be savoury as well, but chocolate, who could live with out it??!

2. I am not a US citizen. People think that when you marry an AMerican you automatically become a citizzen. Not true. You have to apply for citizenship. I have a green card (only it's not actually green, it's pink) and I am considered a Resident Alien, which means I am a permanent resident of Utah legally able to live and work in the US.

3. Since I am not a US citizen, I am sure you're dying to know where I am from :) I come from the best country in the world, Australia. Born and raised in Oz (Australia) but live in the USA (another great country)

4. All my family lives in Australia, and my parents haven't met my two boys. They have met the girls (back in 2002) but they haven't met my two boys since I don't have the money to take them all back for another visit. So any of you who are willing to donate $$ to the "Send Lindy Home to visit her Family Fund" it will be gladly accepted! I can even give you a receipt for tax purposes in you would like ;)

5. I love to go to aerobics! I used to hate exercise, but have now really gotten into it, and it's gettign easier! :)

6. I love to bike ride! I often ride my bike to aerobics, do aerobics, then ride home. I love the energized feeling I get from riding! :)

7. I am a not a morning person! I hate getting up early (have to though bc of getting kids off to school) I prefer to stay up late.

8. I love animals. I feel like I live in a zoo at times, between the kids and the animals, but I have a soft spot for animals. The reason we have our dogs is because I saved the one dog (she was dumped on our property shortly after moving into our house) and we have the other dog, because she got knocked up before we got around to having her spayed. Our cat was another rescue. My daughter found him on the tire of our car in the local Walmart parking lot and even thoughwe tried to find him a home, we couldn't, so he also became a part of our family since I didn' have the heart to give him to the local shelter. (I knew exactly what would have happened to him there) I also have a chinchilla which I bought from a pet store, so she's not a rescue but I have had her since before I got married back in 1997.

So now for my tag...

1. Tesa
2. Ruth
3. Nicole
4. Michelle
5. Arya
6. Erin
7. Jen